Story 02- Guest’s Dog- Misafirin Köpeği

  •     Misafirin Köpeği

Zil sesine koşarak kapıyı açan adam eski bir dostu ve iri bir köpekle karşılaştı. Elbette, tereddüt etmeden “Buyrun!” diyerek onları salona aldı.

The man who runned for the ring and opened the door, met an old friend and a big dog. Of course, he said “Come in!” and he took them to the hall.

İki arkadaş daha oturmadan, köpek bir masa lambası ile birkaç kıymetli vazoyu devirdi.

Before two friends sat down, the dog knocked over a table lamp and several precious vases.

Sonra da en rahat koltuklardan birine yerleşti ve koltuğun kollarını yalayıp kemirmeye başladı.

Then he sat on one of the most comfortable seats and started to lick and chewed the arm of it.

Evin sahibi köpeğin yaptıklarını içi cız ederek seyretse de, bir köpek yüzünden eski bir dostunu kaybetmek istemediğinden sabretmeyi tercih etti.

Although the owner of the house watched what the dog did and he feels the pang, he preferred to be patient because he did not want to lose an old friend because of a dog.

Çaylar içildikten sonra misafir gitmek için ayağa kalktı.

After drinking tea, the guest stood up to leave.

Adam, köpek yüzünden içten içe sinir krizleri geçirdiğini belli etmemeye çalışarak dostuna:
“Köpeğini unutuyorsun” dedi.

The man tried to not show that he had a nervous breakdown secretly because of the dog and said:
“You are forgetting your dog”

Bunun üzerine, misafir:
“Hay Allah!” dedi şaşkınlık içinde. “Ben de onu senin köpeğin sanmıştım.”

On top of that, the guest said suprisingly:
“Gosh! “I thought that was your dog.”

İçi cız etmek: It means to feel a pang of sorrow in one’s heart. We use this expression mostly for other people.


Ne kadar fakirler gördün mü? İçim cız etti.

Did you see how poor they are? I felt a pang

Sinir krizi geçirmek: It mean to have a nervous break down.

You could see something like this on a title of a news:

Adam sinir krizi geçirdi ve arkadaşını bıçakladı.

Man had a break down and stabbed his friend.

İçten içe: It means “secretly, sneakingly”


İçten içe ondan nefret ediyorum.

I hate her secretly.

Hay Allah: We use this expression when we are suprised. We mostly use it in negative situations.


You went to the supermarket to buy salt. But when you are there, you got distracted and you forgot to buy it. Then you came back home and you remembered about it. You could say:

“Hay Allah! Bunu nasıl unuttum yaa..”

“Gosh! How did I forget this…”

I hope you liked this story. Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram to learn Turkish in a fun way! @turkishwithturkishcoffee

You may also like my podcast: Turkish Coffee


liz Ozgin · 3 December 2020 at 07:58

Love that story and the Turkish lessons I am now having! A fun way to reconnect with the Turkish I do have. Thank you for your hard work.

Silvia · 28 January 2021 at 00:42

Thank you so much for your hard work and for the useful and interesting material you are providing us with.
I hope you will continue this amazing project.

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